An interview with the CEO of VEEMIA- Miss Victoria Etim.
1. Who is Victoria Etim?
Victoria Etim is a young, smart, strong and bold entrepreneur from Akwa Ibom State. Her sole aim in business is to serve and save people of different categories at all cost, she is also devoted and trusted by her customers due to her humble and sincere of life, she is truely a woman who always say what she mean and mean what she say to her very best.
Victoria Etim is a cake designer and a make up artist.
I deal mostly on creativity, the magical aspect of it and the extraordinary beauty that comes out of it, after the makeup.
Also, based on my baking skill, I love pastry, I love creativity, and that what's drives me into baking. Permit me to say that these two businesses have initiated myself into are all creative work, the work of art, and the satisfaction aspect of it makes me happy my passion for it grows bigger day by day.
3. A chunter history of my skills and services
I started putting my time into this especially baking of cakes since 2011 up till now.
And for makeup aspect have been in the system since 2016 till now...
4. My challenges
I would say that my challenges as a skilled entrepreneur is trying to see how I can make it, how people can know and trust my service at all cost.
5. My advice to the upcoming entrepreneurs
It is said" what ever yourhand findeth to do, do it with all your mind and might" my first advice here is whenever you want to go into any business;ask yourself this one questions: Am I ready for this, do I have passion for what I want to do? Don't let anybody drive you to what you don't have passion because if didn't have passion for this two business I wouldn't been where I am today.
Pleas wherever you see yourself, don't misuse the opportuinty, for "opportunity comes but once", make use of it very well, devote yourself into it, pray to God daily and you will see yourself making it in life.
Do not wait nor hope on anybody for they will fail you but it only God that can not fail, start from some where and with the little you have and you will see yourself better day by day.
6. My Success Story
Thou it was not easy for me when I started baking and to tell you the gospel truth, if baking was not what I had passion for I would have dropped it already along time ago and thanks to INBRED DESIGNERS who have mould me to what I am today, as a baking (Cake).
My boss was a woman that they best in her work and I have grown to live with that.
Her advice and word of encouragement has really mould me to who I am today. And all thanks to God Almighty who directed my step and who make me what I am today.
After my 5 years in baking (Cake) business then, I thought baking (Cake) was not enough for me, I still needed another skill needed another skill to hold on to then I had to learn up and makeup is what I love so much especially the dolly aspect of it.
Learn it for I month, 2 weeks because I liked the job so much and I liked my boss so clearly (CEO of Tweety Faces).
I had to stay for some months, so I could learn more and help her in the studio and I must confess that, what I did, have paved ways for me, now I am blessed and I have no regret over it.
7. My conclusion here is what so ever you want to do seek the presence of God first and he will direct your step and guide your path, no matter the storm of life, he is always there to make way at any time. So hold unto him and he will never let you down. And anywhere you find yourself please make use of the opportunity very well. Be patient, be continued be contented, work hand, love more and you will see yourself exploring.
Thank you...
For more enquiries call/whatsapp: 08133428252 or 081121979014.
Source: Worlds Happening, Nigeria.